Buy Alacabenzi Cubensis
The Alacabenzi Cubensis is a very popular mushroom that belongs to the Psilocybe Cubensis family. This mushroom produces a similar effect to consumption of strong cannabis edibles. It delivers an altered reality that produces more physical and spatial effects. At higher dosages, it can warp balance and produce a deep body high similar to that found in the indica category cannabis. The Alacabenzi is a great strain for beginners who might not want an overly intense hallucinogenic journey. This is also a great strain for evening use given that it focuses more heavily on body high rather than stimulate the mind.
Buy Alacabenzi Cubensis
In the shroom community, this mushroom is referred to as the “indica of mushrooms”. While you can still get some hallucinating effects, the majority of the effect is focused on the body and balance. This is a great mushroom to use when you’ve had a long day and want to kick back and relax. It is recommended to use this mushroom at home if you are inexperienced.
alacabenzi psilocybe cubensis
Dosage recommendations:
Creative dose: 0.5 Grams to 1.25 Gram
Medium Recreational dose: 1.5 Grams to 2 Grams
Full Recreational dose: 2 Grams to 3.5 Grams
!!Caution!! Do not mix magic mushroom products with alcohol or other anti-depression medication (SSRI) as it dulls the experience or blocks it completely.
Keep product stored at room temperature in a dry environment away from direct sunlight. Also keep out of the reach of children and pets.
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